Thursday, February 8, 2007

Modeling the World

From the lecture notes I learned about modeling the world. I learned about the Hertzian Modeling Paradigm. I also learned that there are patterns that exist in nature. These paterns can be modeled on computers. That is how you see plants grow in animation. We also talked about the Fibonacci Sequence, which I already knew about. I learned it in high school math class. It's cool that plants in nature are made up with this sequence. We also watched the trailer for the film Pi which I own. Darren Aronofsky did a great job on this film. I learned about this film because I really enjoyed Requiem For a Dream which Aronofsky also directed. The Fibonacci Spiral is also really cool.

1 comment:

Bharat said...

I agree- its amazing how you can model stuff.While some models could be easier to construct like the tree branch, others could be really,really tough to build-take the weather for example!
